Alles voor meetinstrumenten en SKIDbouw Kalibratieservice Meer dan 45 jaar ervaring
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Verholt is officieel importeur van MRU meetinstrumenten in de Benelux. MRU produceert sinds 1984 hoogwaardige emissie en druk meetapparatuur voor de installatietechniek en industrie. Naast de meetinstrumenten van MRU levert Verholt een uitgebreid pakket aan meetinstrumenten van diverse merken. Denk hierbij aan temperatuurmeters, luchtsnelheids-en debietmeters, weegschalen, (analoge) drukmeters, vacuümtesters, gasdetectie, persoonsbeschermers, multimeters, testers, stroomtangen, geluidsmeters, warmte-beeldcamera’s en vele andere soorten meters. Kun je de gewenste meter niet vinden? Neem dan contact met ons op.

NOVAplus Biogas

Biogas analyser for semi-continuous measurements Biogas Analyzer with wireless remote control unit for semi-continuous analyzing processes Optionally upgradable for measurements of flue gas at the cogeneration engine Compatible with new MRU App "MRU4u" (only Android)*...

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DF 252

Gas flow velocity and flow rate measurement Continuous measurement of flue gas flow velocity (m/sec) using dynamic pressure measurement principle with averaging Pitot tubes

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DM 401

Optical Dust Monitoring System Low cost double pass transmissiometry for process dust monitoring

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TOM 420 R

Low cost ZrO2 IN-SITU probe On stack, in-situ oxygen analysis Low cost probe with heated ZrO2 sensor, for dusty or clean combustion, using the flow guidance (hollow) tube, with or without back-purge and various lengths

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OMS 420 Ex

O2 & COe in-situ monitoring system for use in hazardous area zone 2 The O2 and COe monitor is dedicated for continuous combustion optimisation at: various industrial furnaces/ovens/boilers, with hazard of explosive atmosphere petroleum refinery...

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OMS 420

Compact in-situ probe for combustion optimization Compact in-situ probe Using heated ZrO2 sensor for wet O2 analysis up to 600°C flue gas temperature With optional special heated solid electrolyte sensor for combustibles measurement

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SWG 300-1

Complete analyzing system CEMS based on cold and dry extractive technolgy Using complete gas sample conditioning system (heated probe filter, heated sampling line, gas cooler etc.) and NDIR or GFCIR measurement for up to 6...

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Stationary gas analysis system for continuous process gas and emission monitoring Outstanding benefits: Use of optimized NDIR technology with improved accuracy without zero point drifts O₂ measurement with an electrochemical or a paramagnetic sensor Automatic...

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